
It is a proven fact that the most horrible rival one can ever face is “ANGER”. What happens is, all the strain and pressure forces you so hard that you end up losing your patience and just explode, taking out all your irritation on the one you see next. However it never helps, neither it resolves any issue. Anger is all about expressing all the accumulated feelings however if not managed, it will only and only make things worse and you end up with nothing but losing on everything.

One tends to get annoyed or come up with excuses for anger, you feel hot, irritated followed with a major headache and finally you do not seem to like anything be it major or minor. Well that is one of the worst things you can do to yourself because anger is just one of many expressions of stress which can actually result in major problems like heart attack or hypertension.

Ever thought of actually what causes anger? This basically comes from the things or happenings around you which you do not agree to or do not like and that vary on the situation such as job related problems, over stress, family issues, certain unavoidable circumstances with your loved ones etc.

There are some small and momentary tips that might help to handle temper around that time such as, taking a deep breath and thinking about the situation with a cool mind. Well knowing the actual cause and grading it’s worth as far as being angry is concerned helps a lot, forgetting and forgiving is one more way to handle things in a positive manner or simply counting till you feel a bit relaxed can help.

Aromatherapy for Anger

The ideas or tricks mentioned above are momentary however if need a best cure, its aromatherapy. It is a natural cure with no side effects, basically if you talk with regards to anger it is stronger on a psychological front and the part played by these essential oils in this cure is simply great because they soothe your mind giving them a positive feeling which is the most important aspect when one is angry.

All you need to do is use few drops in water while you are bathing or simply massage, keeping certain things in mind like availability as they being scarce, using the one which suits you the most and using carrier oils for consistency etc.

The oils can be used in different combinations. Like Ylang Ylang can be used which has a very sweet and jasmine like aroma and known to have a great quality of relaxation. A drop of Rose, Vetiver and three drops of Orange can give very positive results or a drop of Ylang Ylang, Jasmine and three drops of Bergamot is another good combination to calm yourself down.

One drop of Roman Chamomile, two drops of Bergamot and Orange may turn up very fruitful or two drops of Patchouli + three drops of Orange is one more combination which can turn up helpful when angry.

Therefore, we have seen so many ways to relax anger