
Dermatitis is a red and itching inflammation of the skin and is a skin allergic reaction. It is typically characterized by redness, itching, swelling and blistering. Crusts and scales may form during the healing process. Chronically, the outermost skin layer may appear thickened and the skin may take on a leathery appearance. There are numerous types of dermatitis, now we see some of the very common form of dermatitis, their causes and symptoms.

  • Nummular dermatitis
    This type of dermatitis is very common among older people who live in dry climates, exposed to lot of sun. People who have dry skin or bath with very hot water are also prone to this disorder. How can we figure it out that it’s a nummular dermatitis, well symptoms are itchy, scaly, red and encrusted skin. Stress might be also the cause of this skin infection.
  • Seborrhetic dermatitis
    It is a skin disorder commonly seen in AIDS patients. It is also commonly seen in infants who have biotin shortage or in people who have overproduction and blockage of oil glands. Symptoms can vary from greasy skin, yellowish scales around eyebrows, scalp, and nose or behind the ears. This disorder can also be caused by stress.
  • Stasis dermatitis
    Poor circulation of blood or some digestive problems can cause this skin ailment. The symptoms are scaling and very oily skin. Apart from this pus formation around the ankle and lower legs can also be seen.
  • Atopic dermatitis, or eczema
    Any skin disorder can be termed as dermatitis and eczema is one that simply is a skin inflammation. Allergies, stress or a person suffering from asthma can cause atopic dermatitis. Symptoms are constant and acute itchiness. However, in early stages dry, itchy, and red skin can form but later on it might also include crusty scales or blisters that ooze fluid.
  • Contact dermatitis
    This problem is seen as pink or red rashes on the skin that can also be quite itching. As the name implies contact dermatitis, YES, the causes of this skin disease include contact with some shrubs like poison ivy, poison sumac, certain herbs, flowers, fruits and vegetables that do not suits some people. Other factors could be soaps, detergents, and some kind of fibers, antiperspirants, or some cosmetic and skin-care products.

Aromatherapy for Dermatitis

The question here arises, can Aromatherapy really help to ward of this skin disorder, and the answer is YES cause of essential oils, which have antiseptic and astringent qualities.

Helpful oils such as Chamomile, Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree, Lemon, Myrrh, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang that also have qualities to protect dry skin and inflammations. Light massaging, bathing, and some skin treatment can definitely improve your body condition.

Tea tree oil and oil of lavender are very beneficial for eczema. Mix one of these oils with carrier oil and directly apply to skin, this will help to nourish and strengthen blood vessels.

Massage is very helpful in relaxing muscle and circulation of blood. This also reduces the stress.

Applying essential oil well mixed with Calendula oil to the affected area is very effective and should be massaged gently with circulation movements. One is to remember here, never use essential oil alone, and always mix it with some carrier oils.